CATAGOG is an upcoming mobile game created by Jenny Tso. I developed the code base for the project and worked with Jenny to design challenging game play with an intuitive interface. Some of the coding features include a customized Touch Controller, Dijkstra's Algorithm Solution, and Object Pool Controller.
Showcasing a course that teaches the basics of Unreal Engine 4 by walking the student through to how to create a basic Pinball and Survival game. Built entirely with Blueprints with no C++ code written.
ATMA game developed for PIGSquad in Spring/Summer 2015 Game Jam. I developed additional AI parameters and behaviors for the enemy drones. This is the first test to verify detection and pursuit of the player. Credit for Concept and Design belong to Petra Goodrich and Michell Durrin.
Another test to verify detection and pursuit of the player. Drone did not pursue, so we need to adjust the detection and pursuit parameters. Credit for Concept and Design belong to Petra Goodrich and Michell Durrin.
I am exploring the idea of creating game assets that can learn, and have a unique perspective of, their environment. This includes learning points of interest, obstacle avoidance, and making a mental map of the environment. To accomplish this I am creating a virtual EcoSystem to test and explore these ideas using the concepts of Test Driven Development.